Ruekie and Pilot have decided to teach Edgar everything he needs to know about being a dog. This is a large task to take on, but they feel that it is the only way to make sure that grows into a well adjusted German Shepherd. Ruekie will handle the breed specific classes. He and Pilot will joint teach the others. Here are some of the classes Edgar will be taking. Who will teach is highlited in green.
R= Ruekie P= Pilot
Introduction to Grooming- How to look good in mud (R&P)
More than just sit- Learn tricks to impress you owners and get more treats (R)
Healthy Lifestyles- How many dog biscuits is too many? (R&P)
Gym- Condition your self to never run out of energy by running laps, and chasing squirells (R&P)
Tail Wagging 101- Finding your inner rhythm (P)
Swimming- Mastering entry into the pool and the doggy paddle (P)
As you can see, they have a pretty busy schedule. So we better stop typing and start teaching!
1 comment:
This is the coolest blog ever mary!
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